Disclaimer: Ahchee Kurimeo Ahau, although kindred spirits, is not affiliated, nor currently a RoYaL VesseL of Tickwantic'Tic AyeliUdotlvsv Y'iSraeL.
We DO NOT own the rights to this video or music. Strictly for revelation and educational purposes only!
It Is Written, the name of the land beyond the great river, far away from the habitation of men, in which the Ten Tribes of YaShaRàL will dwell, observing the laws of Moses, until the time of restoration, according to 2 Esdras 13:45: "For though that Country there was a great way to go, namely of a year and a half: and the same region is called ArsaRetH;" Christopher Columbus, himself identified the MISNOMER Americas with the IbarYath Abar'Rishoni First Nation Peoples' Qa'DasH Hidden Lands (See Kayserling's "Christopher Columbus," translated by Dr. C. Gross, p 15); having our Qa'DasH Homeland and continent covenanted to our RoYaL Ancestor Nephi as written in 2 Nephi 1 Stick of Joseph renamed in 1507 –erroneously depicted on a map created by Martin Waldseemüller as "America;
As It Is Written, the Kingdom of Yi'SraeL came into existence about 930s BCE, after the transition of King Solomon, our Ancient Ones, known as the Northern Tribes, rejected Rehoboam, son of King Solomon, as their King; thereby, splitting the Kingdom of YaShaRaLha in two: Northern Tribes "Yi'SraeL" and Southern Tribes "JuDaH" (1 Kings) Thereafter, approximately 732 BCE, our Ancient Ones went into Assyrian captivity. Of which, our Great Omnipotent Sovereign CreaTor, Ah'ba, Ruler –KING AhaYaH Asher AhaYaH; after the Ancient Ones reasoned together –plotting their escape, held the waters and the Ancient Ones passed through the Euphrates into the Hidden lands of AsaRetH, guided by The Righteous Right-hand of our KING AhaYaH: CreaTor, Ruler, Ah'ba (2 Esdras 45), about a year and a half; lands first covenanted to our Grandfather Shem, as written in Genesis 10:25: "It was during the time, after the flood, Peleg, son of Eber, that the earth was divided amongst Ham, Shem, and Japhet"; AzaReTH, being the lands given to the descendants of Shem, from whom the Ten Tribes of YaShaRahLa, descend and ascend;
IT is further written and confirmed in The Stick of Joseph, 2 Nephi 1, our benevolent CreaTor, Ruler, Ah'ba –KING AhaYaH, covenanted the Isles of AzaRetH; being the Land of Promise –Choice Lands ABOVE all other lands, to our Ancient One LeHī, accounted for his righteousness and inheritance for the righteous seed of Yi'SraeL forever; DECREEING, the land is consecrated unto Yi'SraeL and NONE shall come into the Isles of AzaretH, but by the hand of our CreaTor; consecrated unto them too, whom HE ALONE shall bring. Isles of liberty, never being brought into captivity, save it's because of iniquity. Further DECLARING, if iniquity abound, cursed shall be the land for the sake of the wicked, but unto the righteous it shall be forever favored;
To Wit
We, the bloodline descendants of Lehi, et al., ALL Others, carried over the waters to the Isles of AzaReTH, REPENT for the sins of the Ancient Ones; as well, our own, RENOUNCE Babylonian Citizenship; lawfully RETURNING to The KINGDOM OF AHAYAH in Earth as it is in Heaven; being BAPTIZED under the Melchizedek RoYaL Priestly Order –being committed to living a lifestyle OBEDIENT to the LAWS OF HEAVEN, for the restoration of The KINGDOM OF AHAYAH, "IN EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN" via the gathering of our Nation's Peoples scattered throughout the Isles of AzaReTH, for the REAL TIME TANGIBLE WORKS of our Father's KINGDOM, to the SPLENDOR and EXALTATION OF KING AHAYAH, IN EARTH , LIKE IT IS IN HEAVEN;
Disclaimer: We DO NOT own the rights to this video or music. Strictly for educational purposes, only!
Disclaimer: Ahchee Kurimeo Ahau, although kindred spirits, is not affiliated, nor currently a RoYaL VesseL of Tickwantic'Tic AyeliUdotlvsv Y'iSraeL.
We DO NOT own the rights to this video or music. Strictly for revelation and educational purposes only!